Nina & Olga, the new animated series co-produced by Enanimation and Mondo TV Iberoamerica (now Mondo TV Studios) along with Rai Ragazzi, has won a prestigious Pulcinella Award 2021 in the Best Upper Pre-school TV Series (4-6 Years) category.
The award was made at the 2021 Cartoons on the Bay, an international festival held in Italy dedicated to television, film and cross-platform animation. The Pulcinella Awards are presented at the festival for excellence in animation production.
Nina & Olga won the award against strong international competition. A full list of winners appears here.
Nina & Olga is all about Nina, a curious little girl with a head full of curls who lives in our world and plays with her friend Teo. One day she meets Olga, who lives up in the sky and becomes a special friend.
A colourful world of children, parents, grannies and teachers, not to mention animals, birds, the sun, the moon and the stars, all come together as part of Nina and Olga’s daily adventures. Together they and their young audience face all the small daily challenges of childhood, learning together how to understand and manage their emotions.
Made in digital 2D animation, Nina & Olga was directed by Lisa Arioli, written by Steve Middleton and scored by award-winning musician Luigi Meroni.
The concept of the series was created jointly by Nicoletta Costa, the author of the books that the show is based on, and Stefania Raimondi. Nicoletta Costa first developed the character of Olga the Cloud over 30 years ago for the publisher EMME Edizioni. Since her first appearances Olga has been a favourite of young readers in many countries.
Licensing plans for the series are now under way. Nina & Olga has already inspired six brand-new books from Mondadori through its Children’s Books Division.
Federica Maggio, Producer, Enanimation, says: “We thank the Cartoons on the Bay International Jury for recognising the value of our TV series and for this wonderful opportunity. We are very proud of our work on Nina & Olga and delighted that it has been honoured at such a prestigious international event.”